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Simulated WGS data

Table of contents

  1. Rationale
  2. Phasing simulated data
    1. STEP1: Phasing common variants
      1. Option1: Phasing all common variants in one chunk
      2. Option2: Phasing common variants in multiple chunks and ligate
    2. STEP2: Phase rare variants small region
    3. STEP3: Obtaining chromosome-wide phased data

For any question on imputation, please contact Simone Rubinacci.


SHAPEIT5 is a two-step approach that treats each chromosome independently and works as follows:

  1. Phase common variants (MAF >= 0.1%) of a chromosome using phase_common. This can be done as a single job for SNP array, but it might be necessary to split the chromosome into large chunks (e.g. 20 cM) in the case of WGS data.

  2. Ligate the phased common variants (MAF >= 0.1%) of a chromosome using ligate, only if chunking was performed in step 1. The ligation step is computationally light and uses variants in the intersection of the chunks to provide chromosome-wide haplotypes. The result of this step (or the previous step if no chunking was used), is used as a haplotype scaffold for the next step.

  3. Phase rare variants (MAF < 0.1%) of a chromosome using phase_rare. To do this, we use the haplotype scaffold generated in step 2 (or 1) and we proceed in relatively small chunks (e.g. 5Mb) to run many small jobs in parallel. At the end of this step, we have several fully phased chunks across the chromosome.

  4. Concatenate the phased chunks generated in step 3 using bcftools concat -n. As in the previous step haplotypes have been phased onto a haplotype scaffold, there is no need to ligate the chunks, and the files can be concatenated without decompression and recompression. This makes this step almost instantaneous, even for large cohorts.

This pipeline should be applied on large sample sizes, usually exceeding N=2,000 samples. For smaller sample sizes, just run phase_common.

Phasing simulated data

For this tutorial, we work on a dense 10Mb region simulated with msprime for 20,000 European samples. The data is perfectly phased, therefore we will be able to perform haplotype phasing on a large cohort and also to verify the accuracy of the phasing process.

STEP1: Phasing common variants

SHAPEIT5 phases common variants using the phase_common tool, which has been built upon SHAPEIT4. As an input, phase_common requires an unphased file (with AC and AN tags filled up), and automatically sub-sets the file to the desired MAF (e.g. 0.001).

There are different strategies to phase common variants. The first, is to phase the whole chromosome in a single job. This is feasible for SNP array data, but it is usually not optimal for WGS data. Therefore we recommend to chunk the chromosome into large chunks (e.g. 20 cM) if using large WGS data. Of note, we provinde 20cM chunks for the b38 built in the resource folder. The chunking used in this tutorial is under optimal for real data, such as the UK Biobank dataset. For that please refer to the UKB tutorials for more advanced examples.

Before starting this tutorial, be sure to clone the SHAPEIT5 github and compile SHAPEIT5 (documentation here, and to navigate in the main shapeit5 folder. In that folder, you should see at the following folders:

$ ls -l


The simulated data that we use in this tutorial are located in test/wgs.

Option1: Phasing all common variants in one chunk

SHAPEIT5 can phase common variants (MAF >= 0.001) for the the whole 10Mb region using the following command:

phase_common --input wgs/target.unrelated.bcf --filter-maf 0.001 --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output tmp/target.scaffold.bcf --thread 8

As this is run on the entire region of the simulation, no ligation step is required here. On real data, a ligation step will usually be necessary.

Option2: Phasing common variants in multiple chunks and ligate

More realistically, when using WGS data on large sample size, it is good practice to run phase_common in different large regions of the chromosomes (e.g. 20cM). In the following, we perform phasing in two overlapping 6Mb windows to showcase ligation. The intersection of the two chunks is therefore 2Mb, that is large enough to have a good amount of heterozygous sites for the ligation step.

#first chunk: 1:1-6000000
phase_common --input wgs/target.unrelated.bcf --filter-maf 0.001 --region 1:1-6000000 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output tmp/target.scaffold.chunk0.bcf --thread 8
phase_common --input wgs/target.unrelated.bcf --filter-maf 0.001 --region 1:4000001-10000000 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output tmp/target.scaffold.chunk1.bcf --thread 8

This approach allows for parallel runs of different chunks of data. However, as we phasing of rare variants needs a whole-chromosome haplotype scaffold, we need to ligate these chunks to create a single file.

Ligation of multiple chunks of haplotypes is performed using the ligate program. The program requires an ordered list of chunks. We recommend using appropriate naming of the files in the previous step, so that a command such as ls -1v can directly produce the list of files in the right order.

ls -1v tmp/target.scaffold.chunk*.bcf > tmp/files.txt
ligate --input tmp/files.txt --output tmp/target.scaffold.bcf --thread 8 --index

At the end of this step, we have a chromosome-wide haplotype scaffold in the file tmp/target.scaffold.bcf.

STEP2: Phase rare variants small region

We can now proceed with the second stage of the process: phasing rare variants iteratively on the scaffold. This is accomplished by the phase_rare program. This needs to be done in chunks, in order to maximise the parallelization of our jobs. In this example, we use ~2.5Mb chunks of data with 0.5Mb of scaffold data on each side. For simplicity, we provide chunks coordinates in the file info/chunks.coordinates.txt. The program requires two input files, one is the haplotype scaffold generated in the previous steps, and other input require is a file containing the whole unphased region, the same file provided to phase_common: SHAPEIT5 automatically discards common variants for this file, duplicated in the phased scaffold. To process the whole dataset, it’s enough to loop over chunk and phase them each one at a time.

while read LINE; do
	ID=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $1; }')
	SRG=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $3; }')
	IRG=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $4; }')
	phase_rare --input wgs/target.unrelated.bcf --scaffold tmp/target.scaffold.bcf --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --input-region $IRG --scaffold-region $SRG --output tmp/target.phased.chunk$CHK\.bcf  --thread 8
done < info/chunks.coordinates.txt

All these jobs can be run in parallel. By default, phase_rare discards buffer regions and only outputs chunks that do not overlap with others. Therefore, at the end of this step, we can simply concatenate all the chunks together in a straightforward way.

STEP3: Obtaining chromosome-wide phased data

Here, we can concatenate all files without decompression/recompression. This is performed very quickly with bcftools concat --naive. We again recommend naming the files in an appropriate way, so that a command such as ls -1v can directly produce the list of files in the right order.

ls -1v tmp/target.phased.chunk$CHK\.bcf > tmp/files.txt
bcftools concat --naive -f tmp/files.txt -o target.phased.bcf --threads 8
bcftools index -f target.phased.bcf

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Copyright © 2022-2023 Olivier Delaneau | All Rights Reserved | SHAPEIT5 executables and source code are distributed under the MIT license.