Table of contents
- Description
- Usage1: Benchmark haplotypes using simulated data
- Usage2: Benchmark haplotypes using family data
- Usage3: Benchmark haplotypes using haploid chromosome X data
- Command line options
Program to compute switch error rate (SER) and genotyping error rate (GER) given validation data. Validation data, in which haplotypes are known, can be obtained in multiple ways:
- Simulated data, using msprime for instance.
- Trio/duo data. Estimate haplotypes for offspring excluding the parents from the dataset. Use the parent and the offsprings in the validation set.
- Chromosome X data. Pair male chromosomes X to make females in which phase in known.
Usage1: Benchmark haplotypes using simulated data
First, run a phasing run:
phase_common --input array/target.unrelated.bcf --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8
The data in array/target.unrelated.bcf
is phased simulated data, so we can also use it as validation set.
Open the BCF file to check:
bcftools view -H array/target.unrelated.bcf | cut -f1-20 | head
Then, run thw switch program to compare the true haplotypes to those estimated by phase_common:
switch --validation array/target.unrelated.bcf --estimation target.phased.bcf --region 1 --output target.phased --thread 8
This command will produce a bunch of files:
has 2 columns (sample ID, position). This gives the coordinates of blocks of data coorectly phased. Can be used to produced a visual representation of the phasing . See supplemetary figure 1 of SHAPEIT4 paper.target.phased.frequency.switch.txt.gz
has 4 columns (MAC, #errors, #hets, SER). This gives SER stratified by MAC.target.phased.sample.switch.txt.gz
has 4 columns (sample ID, #errors, #hets, SER). This gives the SER per sample. This is the most important information given by the switch program.target.phased.sample.typing.txt.gz
has 4 columns (sample ID, #errors, #genotypes, GER). This gives GER per sample.target.phased.variant.switch.txt.gz
has 5 columns (rsid, position, #errors, #hets, SER). This gives the SER per variant relative to previous hets.target.phased.variant.typing.txt.gz
has 5 columns (rsid, position, #errors, #genotypes, GER). This gives the GER per variant.
To compute the SER across the entire dataset, we recommend to sum the numbers of errors and hets across all samples first:
zcat target.phased.sample.switch.txt.gz | awk 'BEGIN { e=0; t=0; } { e+=$2; t+=$3; } END { print "SER =", e*100/t; }'
Usage2: Benchmark haplotypes using family data
First, run build a benchmark dataset by removing parental genomes:
cat info/target.family.fam | cut -f2- | tr "\t" "\n" > parents.txt
bcftools view -Ob -o benchmark.data.bcf -S ^parents.txt array/target.family.bcf
bcftools index benchmark.data.bcf
Second, phase the benchmark dataset:
phase_common --input benchmark.data.bcf --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8
Third, validate it using family data (original BCF + FAM file):
switch --validation array/target.family.bcf --estimation target.phased.bcf --pedigree info/target.family.fam --region 1 --output target.phased --thread 8
Fourth, compute SER:
zcat target.phased.sample.switch.txt.gz | awk 'BEGIN { e=0; t=0; } { e+=$2; t+=$3; } END { print "SER =", e*100/t; }'
Usage3: Benchmark haplotypes using haploid chromosome X data
To come!
Command line options
Basic options
Option name | Argument | Default | Description |
--help | NA | NA | Produces help message |
-T [ --thread ] | INT | 1 | Number of thread used |
Input files
Option name | Argument | Default | Description |
-V [--validation ] | STRING | NA | Validation dataset in VCF/BCF format |
-E [--estimation ] | STRING | NA | Phased dataset in VCF/BCF format |
-F [--frequency ] | STRING | NA | Variant frequency in VCF/BCF format, to exaclude variants and/or stratify SER by MAC |
-P [--pedigree ] | STRING | NA | Pedigree information (offspring father mother) |
-R [--region ] | STRING | NA | Target region |
--nbins | INT | 20 | Number of bins used for calibration (for PP field) |
--min-pp | FLOAT | 0 | Minimal PP value for entering computations |
--singleton | STRING | NA | Singleton phase |
--dupid | STRING | NA | Duplicate ID for UKB matching IDs |
Output files
Option name | Argument | Default | Description |
-O [--output ] | STRING | NA | Phased haplotypes in VCF/BCF format |
--log | STRING | NA | Log file |