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Getting started

Table of contents

  1. Rationale
  2. Imputation using 1000GP reference panel
    1. 1. Dataset and preliminaries
      1. 1.1 Setting the environment and binaries
      2. 1.2 Low coverage reads
    2. 2. Reference panel preparation
      1. 2.1 Download reference panel files
      2. 2.2 Remove NA12878 (and family) from the reference panel and perform basic QC
      3. 2.3 Extract sites from the reference panel
    3. 3. Split the genome into chunks
    4. 4. Create binary reference panel
    5. 5. Impute and phase a whole chromosome
      1. 5.1 Running GLIMPSE2
      2. 6. Ligate chunks of the the same chromosome
    6. 7. Imputation accuracy
      1. 7.1 Running GLIMPSE2_concordance
      2. 7.2 Visualise the results


GLIMPSE2 is a set of tools that allow fast whole-genome imputation and phasing of low-coverage sequencing data. We phase and impute independently different regions of each chromosome.

The pipeline for phasing and imputation is composed of four main steps:

  1. Split the chromosome into chunks. We use GLIMPSE2_chunk to scan the position of the chromosome and define the regions where we perfom imputation. This step usually takes few seconds and produces a text file with all the imputation chunks.
  2. Split the reference panel in the GLIMPSE2 file format. We use GLIMPSE2_split_reference to split the reference panel using the GLIMPSE2 file format. Each chunk corresponds to an imputation window (plus buffer) and contains information about the genetic map. This step usually takes few seconds to few minutes, depending on the reference panel size.
  3. Run imputation and phasing. Imputation and phasing is performed using GLIMPSE2_phase. GLIMPSE2_phase only requires the binary reference panel, a file containing the list of low-coverage BAM/CRAM files and the number of threads to use. Each job is typically run in parallel on a cluster (e.g. UKB RAP). This is the only computationally intensive step of GLIMPSE2.
  4. Ligate the imputed chunks to get a chromosome-wide file When all imputation jobs for a chromsome are terminated successfully, we can simply run the GLIMPSE2_ligate tool to create phased chromosome-wide files. This step usually takes few seconds to few minutes, depending on the number of target samples and markers in the reference panel.

Imputation using 1000GP reference panel

In this tutorial, we show how to run GLIMPSE2 from sequencing reads data (BAM/CRAM file) to obtain refined genotype and haplotype calls. A minimal set of data to run this pipeline containing chromosome 22 downsampled 1x sequencing reads for one individual (NA12878) is provided with GLIMPSE2 in the folder GLIMPSE/tutorial/. All datasets used here are in GRCh38/hg38 genome assembly.

1. Dataset and preliminaries

1.1 Setting the environment and binaries

All scripts have been written assuming GLIMPSE/tutorial/ as current directory. Therefore, we require to move to the tutorial directory:

cd GLIMPSE/tutorial/

From this folder we build all the GLIMPSE software needed (chunk, split_reference, phase, ligate, and concordance). For this reason, we require that GLIMPSE can correctly compile on your machine and you might be required to edit the Makefiles manually. See the installation instruction if there are any problems at this stage. We created a script to configure a directory containing symbolic links to the GLIMPSE binaries we will need later. To run the setup script, simply run:


If the script runs correctly, the software compiles and the bin folder containing the binaries has been created, everything is correctly setup. Otherwise, please copy the binary from the latest release version in the ./bin/ folder

1.2 Low coverage reads

In this example we downsampled the publicly available 30x data available for NA12878 provided by the Genome In A Bottle consortium (GIAB). We downloaded the full dataset, kept only chromosome 22 reads and downsampled to 1x. The resulting BAM file can be found in:


Details of how we downsampled the dataset are provided in appendix section A1.1.

2. Reference panel preparation

In order to run accurate imputation we recommend to use a targeted reference with ancestry related to the target samples, if possible. For this tutorial we use the 1000 Genomes Project 30x NYGC reference panel. Since the reference panel contains data of our target sample and few relatives, we need to remove them from the reference panel. This steps downloads the 1000 genomes b38 data from the EBI ftp site.

2.1 Download reference panel files

The 1000 Genomes Project reference panel is publicly available at EBI 1000 genomes ftp site. We can download chromosome 22 data using:

wget -c{,.tbi}

The reference panel size is approximately 520 MB.

Note: users reported that the download of the reference panel can be slow and it is often interrupted. Unfortunately, we do not have control on that. However, using wget with the -c option allows to restart the download from where it was interrupted. Additionally, we recommend to compare the checksum to what it was reported. Instructions for this can be found in the following script:

2.2 Remove NA12878 (and family) from the reference panel and perform basic QC

We used BCFtools to remove sample NA12878 and related samples from the reference panel and we export the dataset in BCF file format (for efficiency reasons). We also performs a basic QC step by keeping only SNPs and remove multiallelic records. The original reference panel files are then deleted from the main tutorial folder:

bcftools norm -m -any CCDG_14151_B01_GRM_WGS_2020-08-05_chr22.filtered.shapeit2-duohmm-phased.vcf.gz -Ou --threads 4 |
bcftools view -m 2 -M 2 -v snps -s ^NA12878,NA12891,NA12892 --threads 4 -Ob -o reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.bcf
bcftools index -f reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.bcf --threads 4
rm CCDG_14151_B01_GRM_WGS_2020-08-05_chr22.filtered.shapeit2-duohmm-phased.vcf.gz*

2.3 Extract sites from the reference panel

We now extract a VCF/BCF file containing only sites (no genotype data) to make next step much faster. Since BCFtools does not compute correctly genotype likelihood for indels, here we only focus on SNPs (however, GLIMPSE can impute any type of variants as soon it is bi-allelic and has GLs being properly defined). To perform the extraction from the chromosome 22 of a reference panel 1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.bcf, run first BCFtools as follows:

bcftools view -G -Oz -o reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.sites.vcf.gz reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.bcf
bcftools index -f reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.sites.vcf.gz

3. Split the genome into chunks

We now define the chunks where to run imputation and phasing. This step is not trivial because different long regions increase the running time, but small regions can drastically decrease accuracy. For these reasons we developed a tool in the GLIMPSE2 suite (GLIMPSE2_chunk) that is able to quickly generate imputation chunks taking into account several different layers of information.

We use GLIMPSE2_chunk to generate imputation regions for the full chromosome 22, modifying few default parameters in this way:

./bin/GLIMPSE2_chunk --input reference_panel/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878.sites.vcf.gz --region chr22 --output chunks.chr22.txt --map ../maps/genetic_maps.b38/chr22.b38.gmap.gz

NB: please provide the map file if possible!

This generates a file containing the imputation chunks and larger chunks including buffers that we will use to run GLIMPSE2_split_reference and GLIMPSE2_phase.

4. Create binary reference panel

Here we convert the reference panel into GLIMPSE2’s binary file format. Input data of this step are the reference panel of haplotypes, the genetic map and the imputation regions computed in the previous step . We run GLIMPSE2_split_reference using default parameters otherwise.

while IFS="" read -r LINE || [ -n "$LINE" ];
  printf -v ID "%02d" $(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f1)
  IRG=$(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f3)
  ORG=$(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f4)

  ./bin/GLIMPSE2_split_reference --reference ${REF} --map ${MAP} --input-region ${IRG} --output-region ${ORG} --output reference_panel/split/1000GP.chr22.noNA12878
done < chunks.chr22.txt

The output is a binary reference panel file for each imputed chunk. As the imputation regions are fixed for a specific refence panel, these files can be used to impute any sample, minimazing the cost to read the reference panel.

5. Impute and phase a whole chromosome

The core of GLIMPSE2 is the GLIMPSE2_phase method. The algorithm works by iteratively refining the genotype likelihoods of the target individuals in the study. The output of the method is a VCF/BCF file containing:

  1. the best guess genotype in the FORMAT/GT field
  2. the imputed genotype dosage in the FORMAT/DS field
  3. the genotype probabilities in the FORMAT/GP field

Other relevant information include the INFO score computed at each variant against the reference panel allele frequency and the estimated allele frequency, obtained from the genotype dosages.

5.1 Running GLIMPSE2

We run GLIMPSE2_phase using one job for each imputation region. Each job runs on 1 thread in this example. As most of the information is already contained in the binary reference panel, the only additional information to provide is our low-coverage BAM file:


while IFS="" read -r LINE || [ -n "$LINE" ]; 
	printf -v ID "%02d" $(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f1)
	IRG=$(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f3)
	ORG=$(echo $LINE | cut -d" " -f4)
	CHR=$(echo ${LINE} | cut -d" " -f2)
	REGS=$(echo ${IRG} | cut -d":" -f 2 | cut -d"-" -f1)
	REGE=$(echo ${IRG} | cut -d":" -f 2 | cut -d"-" -f2)
	./bin/GLIMPSE2_phase --bam-file ${BAM} --reference ${REF}_${CHR}_${REGS}_${REGE}.bin --output ${OUT}_${CHR}_${REGS}_${REGE}.bcf
done < chunks.chr22.txt

The output is a VCF/BCF file for each imputed chunk. We merge the chunks belonging to the same chromosome together in the next step.

6. Ligate chunks of the the same chromosome

Ligation of the imputed chunks is performed using the GLIMPSE2_ligate tool. The program requires an ordered list of the imputed chunks. We recommend using appropriate naming of the files in the previous step, so that a command such as ls -1v can directly produce the list of files in the right order.

GLIMPSE2_ligate only requires a list containing the imputed files that need to be ligated:

ls -1v GLIMPSE_impute/NA12878_imputed_*.bcf > ${LST}

./bin/GLIMPSE2_ligate --input ${LST} --output $OUT

7. Imputation accuracy

As we downsampled the reads from the original 30x data, we can now check how accurate the imputation is, compared the original 30x dataset. For this purpose we use the GLIMPSE2_concordance tool, which can be used to compute the r2 correlation between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype calls from the high-coverage dataset.

7.1 Running GLIMPSE2_concordance

GLIMPSE2_concordance requires tool requires a file (–input) indicating:

  1. the region of interest;
  2. a VCF/BCF file containing allele frequencies at each site;
  3. validation dataset called at the same positions as the imputed file (in a similar way as showed in appendix A1, without the downsampling);
  4. imputed data.

We provide a file called concordance.lst having all the correct files in the right order for this tutorial. Other parameters specify how confident we want a site to be in the validation data and the MAF bins. The GLIMPSE2_concordance tool can be run as follows:

./bin/GLIMPSE2_concordance --input concordance.lst --min-val-dp 8 --output GLIMPSE_concordance/output --min-val-gl 0.9999 --bins 0.00000 0.00100 0.00200 0.00500 0.01000 0.05000 0.10000 0.20000 0.50000 --af-tag AF_nfe --thread 4

7.2 Visualise the results

The GLIMPSE_concordance folder contains several files describing the quality of the imputation. In particular, we are interested in the file GLIMPSE_concordance/output.rsquare.grp.txt.gz. We can visualise the results by going in the plot folder and running:


The command requires python3 and matplotlib installed.

The plot shows that the 1000 Genomes reference panel can be used to impute accurately variants up to ~1% MAF and there is a drop at rare variants, as expected.